Let’s Meditate Together.
Relief is just a scan away.
In under ten minutes learn how to use the power of your mind to provide comfort to your body. This full body scan technique teaches you how to tune in and provide relief, anywhere in your body you might be experiencing discomfort. I like to pair this method with my color breathing technique as well.
In the morning, it’s time to heal.
Burnout is avoidable and can be healed with the help of consistent meditation. Use this hypnosis tract to spend your mornings in a gentle and healing space. This can be repeated every day for 30+ days or listen to the recording whenever you want to set yourself up for a restful day.
Find healing through your favorite color.
There is power is combining breath work and color-based visualization in order to bring deep relaxation and peace to your body. And best of all, this meditation takes less than five minutes to complete. Review the video and deploy on your own when you need a wave of calmness.
Make mental health your number #1 priority.
Once you realize the power of caring for your mind, you’ll understand how much more joy and abundance you can bring into your own life. This meditation is for mental health and well being. You are worthy exactly the way you are.
Give your brain a five minute make over.
If you try to tell me you don’t have five minutes to set aside to yourself, I simply won’t believe you. Give yourself the gift of a mid-day mental make over. This subconscious reset meditation will transform your day, allowing you to take on whatever you need in order to finish your day smooth sailing.
A calming meditation for community care.
Taking care of your own mental health is an act of service to the greater good. Meditation is one of the many mindfulness techniques you can deploy in order to create more balance and ease in your life. I am so grateful to be part of the communities that I am, and this meditation is for all of your special folks.
All you need is already inside of you.
We often search for answers in others when the answers we need are already in side of us. However, it might take a little gentle coaxing to bring those insights to life. Listen to this meditation and allow yourself to amplify the goal already shining inside of you.